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- K. S. Martin
Her Boss the Alpha Page 3
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Chapter 3
When Lauren woke, it was dark outside. Jake was holding her against his chest. She looked up at him in the dark. Soft light filtered through the blinds from the street lights outside. His face was different. Softer. She wanted to kiss him. She considered it nibbling her lip. Would he wake up? She didn’t want to disturb him but she really wanted to nibble on his lips for a change. They were sculpted and perfect. His mouth twitched and she looked up expecting to see the laser beams boring into her soul again but his eyes were still closed. She was jealous of the thick black lashes. The pendant that usually rested at the base of his throat was lying on his collar bone now. It was round with stars circling the edge. A moon sat in the center. You wouldn’t be able to see the design unless you were this close. It looked old and she wondered what it meant. Lauren looked at his tempting lips again. What the hell. For all she knew, everything he’d said was BS and this was a one night conquest. She didn’t want this to be the dessert she regretted not having. Lauren shifted and placed a warm gentle kiss on his mouth. His eyes cracked open and he smiled down at her. “Hi love.” He pulled her tighter against him and buried his face in her neck tasting her. It made her squeal. “I’m starved, are you ready for dessert?” She wasn’t sure if he meant the tiramisu or if he was ready for round two, so she nodded. Either was okay with her.
Jake padded naked to her fridge and brought the box with her dessert in it and a spoon. “Hey that’s mine!” She struggled to sit up trying to keep the sheet over her nude body. He dipped his spoon in and shoved it in his mouth.
“Mmm….It tastes almost as good as you do.” The corner of his mouth lifted. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Could he be any sexier? She doubted it. He dipped the spoon in again and held the bite up to her mouth. Lauren opened and took the creamy dessert that he offered her. Her eyes slid closed involuntarily. “See, you should never skip dessert for a stupid diet, indulge once in awhile, sweetheart.” Another bite was at her lips as he sat down on the bed beside her. “You are so beautiful Lauren, do you know that?” Her eyes slid open as her cheeks flushed. “I want to take you home with me, pack a bag.” He finished the dessert and she peered over the side of the box. “I still have mine in the car, if you come with me I’ll share.” She smiled and nodded. “Ah, if I’d only known I could have you for the price of a Tiramisu, I would’ve bought the factory.” Lauren rolled her eyes and went to the bathroom with the sheet wrapped around her.
He was dressed when she came out from freshening up and was talking to someone on his cell. He looked perfectly fresh and neat. She was jealous. Men had it so easy. Lauren got dressed in the closet where he couldn’t watch her, she was still bashful. When she turned around, he was leaning in the doorway watching her. She gasped. “I came in here for privacy.” She grinned at him.
“Those days are over sweetheart. You know how much I like to watch you while you are working. Just imagine how much I like to watch you when you are naked.” He kissed her cheek as she exited the walk-in. Lauren got a duffle from under the bed that was left over from college. She always carried the bag back and forth when she commuted on weekends. Gathering her toiletries, underwear, and a couple of outfits, she placed them neatly in the bag. “Where are your work clothes?” Lauren was confused and looked at him stupidly. She didn’t work on Saturday or Sunday, why would she need work clothes.
“I want you to stay the weekend. Bring your work clothes with you and we’ll go to work together on Monday.” Lauren stilled. This was getting serious, too fast. “Don’t panic sweetheart, it’s just a weekend. I have a function tomorrow night. Do you have a dress?” She considered it, and then went to the closet, her black cocktail dress still hung there, but she had no idea if it would fit now.
“I have to try it on. I haven’t worn it since college.” She held it up.
“Leave it. I’ll get you a new one. My treat since it’s my function and besides that one is hideous.” She started to object but he put a finger to her lips. “Please let me?” Lauren looked the dress over. It was hideous, he was right. It had a lace collar that was slightly shabby and the same lace was on the cuffs. It was okay for a college kid but she was an adult now and should wear something classier.
“Okay, this once. Don’t make it a habit. I like to pay my own way.” She put a finger to his lips and smiled up at him. “I know you’re a rich but I went to college so that I could get a good job and support myself. It’s the first time in my life I’ve been independent, let me be.” He nodded then leaned close and kissed her chastely.
“Shall we?” He held out and elbow for her to hang onto. She giggled and took it. Lauren locked her door while he waited holding her duffle then followed him down the stairs. Jake let her in the passenger side of the fancy sedan. She’d seen these on the road and thought they were beautiful cars but never thought she would get to ride in one, let alone twice. She ran her hands over the leather seat admiring the softness. “We are going to the estate. It belongs to my family and it’s where the function is tomorrow. My grandfather is turning ninety seven. It’s actually his house but I have my own wing, they added it on hoping I would spend more time there but I only use it for occasions like this one.” What did that mean? Occasions like this. Like what? Like when he brought home women for the weekend? Women he had sex with? Or did he mean for family functions? Lauren shook her head to clear the jealousy that threatened. Either way, it was none of her business. Sure, she’d worked for him for a year but they’d really only met a few hours ago. Her mind was running away with her and she blew out a breath. She’d slept with her boss. She slept with her boss on their first date. A date by the way that he didn’t ask her out on and plan for, but a date that he coerced her into for changing a tire. Jeez. Did that make her a tramp like Zoe? Her mama would say so. Lauren bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing out loud. Her mama wouldn’t have waited a year for him to make a move. She would’ve been bribing him with brownies and would’ve climbed into his lap by the end of the second week. He was driving down the deserted highway, it was nearly three. She was comfortable, relaxed, and happy for the first time in years it seemed. “My parents, four brothers, and two sisters will be there with their families but don’t feel intimidated. They are a fun and rowdy group. You will like them and they are going to love you. All of my siblings are married so don’t be surprised if that question gets asked.” He grinned at her and her eyes widened. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell them we just recently started dating.” Lauren yawned and he chuckled. “We’re almost there, stay with me.” Lauren drifted off unable to help herself. She was terrible in cars, always falling asleep if it was a semi-long trip. She woke in his arms as he let himself inside a heavy wooden door.
“Oh, I fell asleep. I can walk, let me down.” She struggled to get free.
“Nonsense.” His arms tightened around her and he carried her through a small living room then into a bedroom. He placed her gently on the navy blue silk duvet that covered the massive bed. It wouldn’t fit in her bedroom at the apartment. No wonder he wanted to come home. “Get undressed. I’ll go and get your bag.” Lauren hopped off the side of the bed. It was high and she wondered how she would get back in then spied the steps on the other side. Walking around while she unbuttoned her blouse, she looked at the pictures on the dresser and shelves. Someone was fascinated with wolves. Maybe photography was his hobby. Lauren folded her blouse and pants then placed them on a chair beside the bed. They were beautiful photographs and she wondered who’d taken them. These photos should be enlarged and displayed. Lauren picked one up and held it under a lamp for a better look. The wolf in it was black, his eyes were blue, and even though he was just an animal, he seemed intelligent. Was it possible for a wild animal to be intelligent? This one stared back at her from the photo and she wanted to meet him for some reason. A wolf with blue eyes? That was not something you ever saw on nature shows. He was magnificent. She wanted to pet him. Lauren felt drawn to him somehow, but surely, this
wasn’t taken around here. She studied the background. Tall pines towered over a manicured lawn and she felt it in her gut that this photo was taken in the yard of this estate. “Do you like wolves?” He was behind her now wrapping his arms around her middle.
“I’ve never really thought about them one way or the other but he’s so beautiful. I don’t think I’ve seen a black wolf before and I know I’ve never seen one with blue eyes. Aren’t they usually grey and white? And wolves, they have yellow eyes, don’t they?”
“Sometimes they are, sometimes they are red, white, sandy or brown. That one is actually dark brown, not black. His father’s black and you see his blue eyes, the photograph wasn’t doctored. I promise.”
“There are wolves around here? This close to the city?” She stared up at him.
“We aren’t in the city anymore sweetheart, this estate is thirty miles out and the land backs up to a state park. That wolf was photographed in the back yard in the summer about fifteen years ago.” Lauren’s face fell. “What’s wrong?” He had a consolatory smile on his face.
“Nothing, I just…it’s stupid.” She put the picture frame back on the shelf.
“Tell me.” He unclasped her bra and placed it on top of the pile of clothes then pulled a tee shirt out of a dresser drawer and lowered it over her head.
“I don’t know…I kind of wanted to meet him, you know.” She scrunched her face up and shook her head. “Never mind.”
“You wanted to meet him? Why?” He unbuttoned his shirt and dropped his trousers then laid them on a hamper. “You do like wolves then?”
“I’ve never met one, but that one, it was something about his eyes. He seemed to know things, like he was intelligent, like he had something to say. It’s silly, I know.” She yawned.
“Come, let’s go to bed, we can get in a few hours before breakfast.”
“I don’t eat breakfast, so no worries.” Lauren scooted toward the middle of the massive bed closer to him.
“Blasphemy!” Lauren giggled and he pulled her against him. “You don’t want to miss the weekend breakfast buffet at the Bryant estate. It is better than a five star resort. Pancakes, croissants, biscuits, waffles…”
“All carbohydrates, my enemies.” She nuzzled his chest and he chuckled.
“No, there’s steak, sausage, links and patties, ham, bacon, scrambled eggs, poached eggs…” She groaned.
“Okay, okay, breakfast. What time?” He smiled softly.
“Seven.” Lauren shifted closer and rested her hand against his chest over his heart.
“I know just how I want to wake up.” She murmured and shifted closer still.
“How’s that sweetheart? Your wish is my command.” She was fading fast unable to keep her eyes open.
“With you inside of me.” Lauren whispered. “Seven…” She mumbled and drifted off. Jake tucked her under his chin and held her close.
“Mine.” He murmured against her hair. She answered with a murmured mmm…
Chapter 4
Jake pulled her tightly against him. He skimmed the white panties down her thighs and pushed inside of her. Whatever his mate wanted, she would have. Jake kissed her neck then sucked on her earlobe. She moaned in her sleep and he moved against her. He heard his bedroom door open and turned his head to see his mother.
“Son.” A strong hand touched his shoulder. “Breakfast in ten minutes.” Jake nodded. “Who’s the girl? Is this her? The one?” Jake nodded again. “Let me see.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. His mother looked into Lauren’s face as he leaned away from her warm body. “Beautiful. She looks strong.” Jake smiled. That was a huge compliment from his mother. “Bring her to breakfast and shower first. You smell like coitus.” Jake chuckled.
“So do you.” She smiled at him.
“And I’m mated. But there are little ones in the house so shower before breakfast.” She left the room as quietly as she’d entered.
“Were we just busted by your Mom?” Jake laughed.
“Yes. The good news is she thinks you’re beautiful.”
“And strong.” Lauren opened her eyes and turned to look up into his. “You’re different here than at work, you aren’t so hostile looking.”
“Hostile? Well, maybe that’s because I am about to be very satisfied right now.” Jake buried his face in her neck and nibbled. His hips rolled against her and she moaned. “This was a great idea.” His fingers slipped into her folds and Lauren’s hips moved of their own accord. “I want to wake you up everyday this way.” They moved together. Jake pulled her knee up and shifted her onto her belly. He felt so deep this way and Lauren’s orgasm seized all of her muscles with pleasure as her womb clenched around him, milking him. Jake roared his climax. His breath hot and moist on her neck.
Once they recovered, Jake rolled out of the bed and headed off to the bathroom. She heard the water come on. Not sure of what she should do, she made the bed and sorted through the duffel bag for breakfast appropriate clothes. The blue eyed wolf on the shelf caught her eye again. He seemed to be watching her.
“Lauren?” Jake called from the shower. “Are you coming?” Lauren smiled. This would be her first shower with a man. She flung her tee shirt onto the end of the bed and her used underwear toward the duffle bag then hurried into the bathroom. She stopped and looked around. This had to be the biggest bathroom she’d ever been in. “Come on.” He was under the water with a hand out to her. The shower was not enclosed. The walls and floor looked like beige stucco but the walls had various colored granite tiles in a geometric pattern decorating them. There was a drain in the center of the shower area floor. The floor seemed to tilt toward it to direct the water. Multiple shower heads sprayed him but seemed to be contained to the area where he stood. “What took you so long? “It’s a wet room.” He said at her wondering look. She still wondered why you wouldn’t put up one of those fancy glass walls like in his office. She smirked but turned her head so he wouldn’t see. A roman bath tub sat in a corner and was big enough for a few people. Candles and flowers sat along the edge. She would like to try that out sometime. Her apartment only had a vinyl shower stall that she never seemed to be able to keep the mildew out of. The granite vanity matched the wall tiles and was set on expensive looking wood. It had two sinks and she wondered why he would need two if this wing was just for him. Of course, the bed was big enough for several people too, so maybe this was his bachelor party room.
“I didn’t know if I was supposed to wait or come in with you? She stepped into the shower area with him. Jake set her under the water gently. She got her hair and face wet. He poured shampoo into his hands and lathered her long hair.
“Don’t ever question if I want you with me Lauren just accept it as fact that I do.” He tipped her head under the water to rinse her hair.
“You didn’t say.” Lauren nibbled her lip. He spread shower gel that smelled of lilacs over her skin kissing her shoulders and neck as he went. It was so intimate. They’d been intimate last night, he’d put his mouth down there! She shivered and Jake turned the knob to increase the water temperature. But this was more intimate in a way, his hands were everywhere, exploring and slicking over every inch of her. Wow. She inhaled sharply when his fingers dipped into her backside. Ok that was a little beyond intimate. Lauren stepped away and thought that she heard him growl. It had to be the shower making noise.
“You’re always welcome with me sweetheart.” Lauren couldn’t keep from smiling. It kept spreading over her face. This man was so not, what she expected. He was not only kind but loving. She’d expected mean and domineering from all of the laser beam looks he’d given her over the last year. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to fall hard for him. Lauren had never been head over heels before, never so in love that nothing else mattered. This man though could be the cause of that and that could be incredibly painful if she wasn’t careful. “What’s going through here?” He tapped her forehead with his finger gently. “I can see the wheels turning. Remember I�
�ve been studying you for quite some time.”
“Nothing.” She grinned and ducked her head under the water again. He rinsed her and turned the water off. Handing her a towel, he dried himself.
“Did you bring a toothbrush?” She nodded and dried herself then wrapped the towel around her middle covering all of her naughty bits. She walked into the bedroom to grab her toiletry bag. Jake brushed his teeth but watched her as she crossed the room.
Lauren walked to the bag and was startled when a small skinny red wolf jumped from the opposite side and up onto the bed facing her. It watched her with its head tipped and its ears up. Lauren gasped. “Jake?” She cried tremulously He came out of the bathroom and saw the wolf.
“Go on, get out.” He said gently pointing at the door. “Don’t be frightened. My grandfather takes care of them sometimes. If you see any in the house, they are harmless, that one was a just a pup.”
“I’m not scared just surprised. I’ve never seen a wolf up close and certainly not one in a bedroom. It didn’t seem violent, just curious. That one was kind of small, wasn’t it?” Lauren craned her neck to look down the long hallway through the open bedroom door to see it loping away.
“She, yes, she’s small. She isn’t yet fully grown.” Lauren looked disappointed. “What’s wrong?”
“I should’ve pet her. I want to feel what their fur is like, it looks so soft.”