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Her Boss the Alpha Page 8


  Jake carried her from the car into his private wing at the estate. “Please put me down.” She giggled.

  “You’re still weak.” She scoffed.

  “I need a shower. I feel gross.” She said when he finally put her down on the bed. “Please?” Jake nodded and shucked his clothes. “And I never want to see these clothes again.” She flung them down. He studied her naked form. “I think I lost some weight.” She looked her figure over in a mirror. “He only fed me fish, bran, and salad, something about keeping my blood thin and sweet. I wanted a cheeseburger so bad I could’ve cried.”

  “I’ll get you one but you should work up to it. The doc said a light diet for the first few days, okay.” She looked disappointed. “You’ll make yourself sick sweetheart. Come, we’ll shower.” He took her by the hand and led her into the shower room. Jake adjusted the water and pulled her in with him. He shampooed her hair then rubbed shower gel over her skin until she practically glowed. Lauren looked around for a razor. “What do you need sweetheart?”

  “A razor.” She looked under her arm at the hair there and made a face. He laughed.

  “I’m a werewolf sweetness, it doesn’t matter to me. Have you seen how much hair I can sprout?” Lauren worried her lip. “Okay, I’ll get you one. Stay here where it’s warm.” He walked over to the vanity and got a new one from the drawer. He brought it to her. She waited. “What? Now I can’t watch?” She shook her head, her cheeks crimson and he laughed again. “Okay, I’ll turn around, I won’t look while I bathe, is that okay?” Jake waited patiently not looking at her like she wanted. Lauren watched his hands move over his body and wished they were her own. He had a gorgeous backside. Muscles rippled and moved across his back with his movements. Lauren had to turn around or she would never get started let alone finish. Jake dried her when she finished then carried her to bed. He curled his body protectively around Lauren and held her.

  She woke to soft kisses trailing over her shoulder and across her back. She smiled without opening her eyes. He mouthed a trail down her spine and nipped her hip. Lauren turned away from him. Jake scoffed and pulled her back to where she was. “This is mine now.” He murmured and nipped the roundness of her cheek. Lauren scooted away. Jake pounced on her. “No you don’t.”

  “No.” She cried trying to scoot away from him.

  “What’s wrong sweetness?” He studied her face. “He bit you.” She nodded. “Are you afraid of me Lauren? Are you afraid of my bite?” Lauren worried her bottom lip with her teeth. “Do you remember the first time we made love?” Her face softened and she nodded. Jake brought her hand up to his stubble covered cheek. Her fingers tested the prickly beard there. He grew hair so fast. “Do you remember how soft my bite was when I tasted you?” His teeth grazed her fingertips and she smiled then nodded again. “You liked that didn’t you?” Her face heated. “I would never hurt you Lauren. His bite was malevolent while my bite is only for your pleasure. Do you agree?”

  “Yes.” She answered.

  “My bite will only bring you closer to climax.” She nodded. “I want to claim you Lauren. I want to make you mine, my mate. I will have to bite you sweetheart, right here. May I?” His fingertip grazed the muscle that ran from her neck to her shoulder. “You won’t even feel it because you will be in the middle of the most intense orgasm of your life.”

  “Okay.” She breathed. She wanted the orgasm so much after being a prisoner not only to Devlin but to her own body. When Jake gave her an orgasm, it was nearly an out of body experience and she desperately needed that high after her ordeal. He pulled her close and kissed her cheeks. His mouth left fire in its wake. Her skin came alive under his ministrations. Warm kisses trailed down her throat, over her breasts down her rib cage. Lauren quivered. She wanted him to keep going, to make her feel like he had the first time. He climbed between her legs and lapped at her. His tongue was inside of her, his mouth covered her folds, his tongue scraped against her clitoris. Lauren moaned loudly rocking against him. His teeth grazed over the sensitive bundle of nerves and Lauren screamed his name. “Wow.” She said when she could breathe again.

  “Not yet mate.” He nipped and mouthed her still sensitive skin. She trembled with anticipation while her hands grasped at him, wanting him. Jake pushed her hands over her head and suckled her breasts each in turn. Lauren squirmed beneath him then wrapped her legs around him. “Easy sweetheart.” His teeth grazed her sensitive rosy nipples and her back bowed.

  “Now Jacob.” She lifted her hips. Jake slid all the way into her in one long movement groaning as she clenched her muscles around him. “Oh God.” She called. “Oh please.” Jacob moved slowly in and out of her. She bucked against him, squeezing him with her thighs. Jacob rolled his hips and shifted position. Her orgasm detonated and exploded through her. Her womb squeezing deliciously as she cried his name over and over. Jacob’s fangs lengthened and sank into the muscle he’d shown her.

  He was right, she never even felt it. Lauren examined it in the bathroom mirror the next morning. She smiled turning one way then the other. It didn’t hurt but she could see it would be permanent. “Admiring my work?” He came up behind her and kissed her other shoulder. She grinned at him. “Let’s shower, I’m starved.”

  “I’ll just bet you are.” She laughed and followed him into the water.


  Lauren sat at her desk, the same as she always had, tapping keys frantically. The Detroit office opened a week ago and she nearly had the books set. Within a week, the onsite manager would be able to do his own books using the program that Jake designed and she’d perfected. Her cell that she now kept on her desk instead of in her purse, chimed. She glanced at it then smiled and stopped clicking the keys of her computer.

  Jake: You are so damned sexy. I want to crawl under your desk and spend my day with my head under your skirt.

  Lauren: Stop looking at me and do some work. I’m tired of sleeping with you and that damned laptop. Work while you are here so you can play with me at home. Lauren grinned and pushed send then looked up at him while he read her reply. He grimaced.

  Jake: I was coming on to you and that’s what you come up with? Isn’t it time for your lunch yet? I’m starving. Come to my office.

  Lauren: I’m not done with Detroit.

  Jake: NOW.

  Lauren: Fine. Bully.

  Lauren hefted herself out of her ergonomic chair and slipped her swollen feet into her shoes. Jake was at her side in an instant. His arm supported her around her swollen waist. “I love you sweetheart.” He kissed her temple. The assistant at the desk closest to Lauren sighed wishing that a man as sweet as Mister Bryant would swoon over her like that. Lauren leaned into him. “I brought you soup, a sandwich, a tangerine, some milk, and a cookie.” He murmured into her hair helping her into a chair at the small round table he’d had placed in his office for them to eat their meals together. He tucked a pillow behind her back.

  “It’s no wonder that I’m about to explode Jake.” Lauren complained.

  “My boy is hungry, no girly food.” Lauren giggled and the baby that would be born any time, kicked.

  “He’ll never come out of there if you don’t stop feeding him so much.” Jake grinned. “I know how you boys like to eat.”

  “What’s that son? I know mama’s mean but we love her anyway.” He teased and Lauren took a bite of her sandwich while he poured the soup into a bowl. Jake glanced up into her eyes now. “I love you.” He said seriously.

  “I love you too, so much that I am going to let you name him.” She sipped the soup trying not to laugh at his stunned face. “Because you take such good care of me and because I know you will take the same good care of him. I know you will do an awesome job being his father and in naming him.” Jake couldn’t be more pleased. They’d argued this point for the past eight months. Neither liked the other’s picks for names. For her to let him make the decision on this was huge. It meant that she loved him and that she trusted him. Jake
couldn’t believe he’d spent a year deciding whether or not to trust this human. Maybe they weren’t so bad after all. He smiled at his lovely human with only love and trust in his eyes. They would spend their lives together always this deeply in love. “And I get to name the rest of them, no matter how many there are.” Jake laughed loudly while she nibbled on her sandwich. “Deal?”

  “You are a ruthless negotiator. I have no guarantee that there will be any more of them. So this is the only chance I have, but there could be dozens couldn’t there?” Jake’s eyes narrowed and Lauren leaned back and rubbed her enormous belly.

  “No, I can assure you there will not be dozens, not with the way my back hurts.” Jake laughed again and stuck out his hand for her to shake. She took it and grinned. “But there will be more.” Jake smiled and threw his hands up in surrender. It didn’t matter as long as he got to look into this lovely human face forever, nothing else mattered.