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Her Boss the Alpha Page 6

  “Have it your way. You are very stubborn Lauren.” She was texting someone.

  “So I’ve been told.” Lauren opened the door not noticing the huge man on the other side. He came in and shut the door behind him. At the same time, he grabbed Lauren, his beefy arm sliding around her throat while he pricked her with a hypodermic. Everything went dark then and Lauren slumped boneless to the floor.


  The funerals were held quietly at the rear of the estate property on Monday morning. Family and servants only attended the private ceremonies and his grandfather Louis was buried beside his grandmother Viola who passed many years ago after a car accident. His father was interred not far away near a red maple tree, the spot his mother chose. Jake stood beside his mother who was putting up a brave front for her children and grandchildren. Jake had been awake for nearly three days now trying to figure out who killed his father and grandfather. He didn’t know of anyone who would gain a thing by their loss. Neither worked, the only assets were tied up in the estate which had just passed to him. The business always belonged to Jake. His family members were silent partners who were paid salaries and dividends. It did not make any sense. The police were baffled. Of course, they’d questioned him first but the entire family supported his alibi, plus several servants corroborated his story. The shots were from a several hundred yards away, and even though few people could make that shot, he didn’t know of anyone who would want to. The whole thing was perplexing. The police were checking into a theory now that Jake paid someone to do it but they weren’t getting anywhere. He insisted that they expand their theories and to stop wasting time on him, of course they weren’t listening. Jake had investigated on his own to see if his father or grandfather were into anything that he was unaware of but he’d come up with nothing. Bryant security was also working toward the same goal. It wasn’t a robbery and not a kidnapping, it was slaughter. The only thing that made sense was that they were being hunted again. That someone had figured out that they were wolves and was hunting them. But then why only shoot the two? There were seven of them out there that morning and the sniper could have picked them off easily. Why shoot the old wolves, why not the younger ones? They would grow up and reproduce, his father and grandfather posed no threat to anyone except maybe on a golf course. His mother was speaking to everyone but he wasn’t listening. He wanted this resolved now. Lauren was waiting and he wanted to get back to his mate. “Son, lunch in the kitchen.” He nodded. “I mean it. You need to eat. I think the last thing you ate was breakfast on Saturday.” He quirked a half smile at her and at the memory. Saturday was the last time he’d seen his mate. Saturday he’d tagged her but didn’t get to claim her as he’d planned. Soon. She was so lovely, so delicate, and so smart. In all of his years he’d never come upon a woman who rivaled his academic success or who could work a computer as fast as he could. He wanted to suck on each one of those quick little fingers. He let his mother lead him into the kitchen where a roast with all the trimmings waited. The cook must’ve started this before daylight to have it done this early in the day. Jake sat at the head of the table, his seat now that Louis was gone. He longed for the days when a wolf could claim his mate and drag her into a cave not to come out again until he was very well satisfied. Jake chewed a piece of meat not tasting it. He should call her, hear her voice, and see what she’s wearing. His mid section stirred. Hopefully, she wasn’t wearing anything at all. He looked at his watch. She was at her desk eating a salad and an apple more than likely. Jake stabbed another piece of meat. When they were mated, together and inseparable, no damned salads. “Any thoughts on the investigation son?” His mother stirred him from his thoughts. Jake shook his head. “It will come to you, it always does.” He nodded and pushed his half full plate away. She gave him a disapproving look but said nothing. How could she be so strong right now? She’d just lost her mate and even though her initial reaction had been typical, her behavior since had not. Perhaps she was in shock. She insisted that he go and rest now. His health need not suffer and since she’d heard him pacing all night, every night since, she knew he had not slept. Jake went to his wing and showered. He grabbed his cell phone and called Lauren, no answer. He’d noticed that she kept it in her purse in the bottom drawer of her desk. She probably did not hear it. He decided to try the phone on her desk but it too went unanswered. Jake pushed end after leaving a message and tried to go to sleep.


  Lauren woke stiff and uncomfortable on a white leather couch in an office that she’d never been in before. Her eyes adjusted to the light in the room, office fluorescents. There was a blonde man sitting at a large glass topped desk typing furiously on a computer keyboard. “Glad to see that you’re awake Lauren.” He said without looking up. Lauren sat up and rubbed her pounding temples. “I am Kendrick Devlin. I own this fine establishment.” His fascinating green gaze was intent on her now. “Zoe has referred you quite enthusiastically to my accounting department. She says that not only are you a hard worker but that you know all of the ins and outs of Bryant IT. You will share those with me. Before you make some grand gesture, I wish to inform you of a few things. Your cooperation is not only expected, lack of it will be punished severely. Your choice. Also, I am a vampire. I am nearly five hundred years old. I did not get to be this age because I am stupid, so don’t bother to try. I know that you are Jacob Bryant’s mate but that you have not been claimed yet. You have no marks on you except mine.” She gasped and he smiled sardonically. “On your neck my dear and thank you for eating your vegetables, Zoe lives on booze and bullshit. She’ll be dead by the time she turns fifty, the stupid little twat. You however have very sweet blood Lauren and with a cooperative demeanor, I will let you continue to feed me. Do remember that as long as I enjoy your blood, you live.” His left brow rose over the sarcastic lift of his lips. She wanted to scratch his eyes out, literally. Lauren found though that she was unable to stand. Her muscles weren’t listening. He chuckled as he watched her fight the internal struggle. “You’ve been charmed my dear. You are at my command, when I want you to rise you will. Until then stay seated Lauren and stay quiet.” He went back to his computer. Why couldn’t she move? What the hell did charmed mean anyway? This was all too freaky. Where was Jake? Had he missed her yet? Was he looking for her? She wondered how long she’d been out. She remembered the big burly guy that grabbed her in her apartment. He’d stabbed her in the neck with something that burned in her veins. “Come here Lauren, I’m hungry. Once I’ve eaten, I will order your dinner brought up.” Lauren stood and crossed the room to stand before him. Devlin patted his lap and she sat down against her will. “I would like for you to wear your hair down from now on Lauren. It will hide my bite.” She nodded and watched his fangs extend. His finger guided her chin forward and closer while he leaned into her neck. “I want you to shower first then you will eat. You will find clothes to put on in the locker room and then you will begin working.” She nodded and his teeth slid painfully into her neck. Lauren hissed at the pain but he sucked and sipped on her. When he’d finished he licked the wound. “That will seal it until next time. What kind of dressing do you prefer on your salad?”

  “Lemon juice and olive oil.” She answered. Her voice sounded robotic to her. It felt as though she were trapped inside herself.

  “Very good. Go out of that door to the right, and into the women’s shower room. It will be the second door on the left. You will find your name on your locker. Inside will be toiletries, toweling and clothes. Shower, shampoo, brush your teeth, and put on your deodorant, once you complete that, dress and return to this office. You will sit on the couch and await your supper.” She nodded and left unable to sway from the instructions he’d given. Her feet would not carry her one step passed the women’s room no matter how hard she tried. Lauren followed each command he’d given until she found herself back on the couch. He was still at his desk. A tray sat on the coffee table. It contained a large salad with diced chicken breast and, an apple an
d a bottle of water. She sat and ate while he ignored her. Lauren studied the room. Apparently, there were no rules against looking around. She memorized her surroundings looking for an escape should the opportunity arise. Devlin glanced at her. “There is no escape until I permit it.”

  “I was looking at those hideous drapes. You should fire your decorator.” She wiped her mouth with her napkin. He guffawed. So I can misdirect maybe even lie. She thought. It may come in handy.

  “You are very amusing Lauren. I can see why Bryant is interested in you.” He went back to his computer for a few more Moments then sat back in his chair and studied her. “Now tell me everything that you know about the Ohio operation. You do the books for that office, correct?” Lauren swallowed trying to lie but ended up telling him every single thing about not only that office but also about the office that she worked in and the other two that were about to open. It was late when she’d finished and he put her in a room. He told her to sleep until seven then she was to shower, dress, and come back to his office. Where was Jake?


  “Where the hell is Lauren?” Jake asked the head of security. He’d been through three managers before this guy. No one knew where she was, she hadn’t been seen since Friday. Okay this is bad. He thought. I was the last person to be seen with her and I am a murder suspect. Maxwell dropped her off in front of her apartment on Saturday and no one had seen or heard from her since. He should have kept her with him. She was his mate. His family should’ve dealt with it, with her. “Damn it. Where the hell is she?”

  “We are checking into it. Her cell has been turned off and her apartment is empty.”

  “What do you mean empty?” Jake paled. “Empty as in, she isn’t there or empty as in the furniture is gone?”

  “The second one sir, but she could’ve moved and not given us an address yet. This guy didn’t know what Jake knew. Lauren saw him and his family shift from human to wolf. More than likely, she was scared out of her wits. We are canvassing the building for information on her.” Jake sat down hard. She’d left him. She’d run. She found out that he was a werewolf and she’d run. He only hoped that she would keep his secret.” His jaw clenched. “That will be all, call off the search. We will assume that she has resigned unless we hear from her.” The head of security pursed his lips. The change in his boss’s attitude was sudden and perplexing.

  “Yes sir.” He turned on a heel and went back to his regular duties as commanded.

  “Gone.” Jake picked up his phone and dialed the estate. He’d discussed the situation with his mother earlier when he called to ask about Maxwell dropping Lauren off on Saturday.

  “Any word?” Victoria asked. No hello or how’s it going? His mother had always been very direct and very blunt. Lauren was like that and he appreciated it. It was too bad he wouldn’t be able to show her that.

  “Yes. She’s gone. Her apartment is empty. I guess it was more than she could handle.” He clenched his teeth.

  “Son, are you jumping to conclusions?” She asked quietly.

  “No mother.” Jake stood and paced.

  “So her apartment is empty. Where is her cell phone, have you tracked it?” Victoria was putting her detective hat on. She loved crime shows and was obsessed with them. She always tried to figure it out before the characters on the program did. Quite often, she was successful.

  “It’s off.” He sighed sitting down. He rested his head on his hand.

  “Odd. How about her car, can you track her that way? These cars have computers now and tracking systems. I saw that on TV. If someone steals your car, they can turn it off and trap the thief inside Jake. Besides, I just did not get the feeling that she was lying when she said that she loved you?”

  “She said that?” He brightened at the possibility of hope.

  “Not in so many words but it was the same thing son.”

  “The car.” Jake squinted and looked at the report on his computer. No one mentioned the car. “I’ll call you back Mom.” Jake called the security office and barked orders at the young man that answered the phone. The head of security was back in his office within seconds and confirmed with a team member onsite that her car was in fact in the apartment building’s parking lot. Lauren had not fled. Who moved and left their car? Something was not right about this and somehow it all tied to the murders. The security team would be going through her desk, going through the apartment again and going over the car.

  “Sir?” Jake looked up at one of the new accounting technicians he knew only as May. “I heard that you were looking for Lauren?” Jake stood. “You should know sir that someone is accessing her accounts.”

  “What do you mean?” Jake started to walk toward her.

  “Well, Mister Peterson assigned me Lauren’s Ohio accounts and I can’t open them. I keep getting an error message that says ‘locked by Lauren Edwards.’ Is it a mistake sir or can she access her accounts remotely?” Jake walked over and turned her computer off, it was in sleep mode so he held the button down until the computer drained all of its power. “It’s still locked sir.” May said from her cubicle nearby. Jake pulled his cell out and texted someone. He got a text back immediately.

  “Can I have your attention!” All heads in the room turned toward their usually silent boss. “Is anyone else having a problem opening anything at all because of an error message that says ‘locked by Lauren Edwards’?” Eleven hands went up. “Son of a bitch.” He texted again. “We are being hacked. I want all computers off and everyone to go home for the day. If someone isn’t here, please turn their computers off as well, also, unplug them.” There were groans. “My gift to you for outstanding work, you will be paid for the day. Enjoy your day off.” Cheers filled the office. “Make sure everything is unplugged.” He was texting again. This was Devlin. It had to be, because they were the only company with enough talent to pull this off. He was on his cell with the head of security now. “Find Zoe Bell. Now!” He didn’t wait for an answer. Jake stormed toward the onsite server room.

  Several employees worked in the room. Jake saw three that he didn’t know and one that he’d met on several occasions. A tall slim black man was carrying a tray of wires down one of the rows away from him. They all wore white lab coats, goggles, gloves, head, and shoe covers. The room was large and sparse containing only a bank of monitors on a stainless steel counter and tall black boxes blinking red, green, and yellow lights. Florescent lights stretched far overhead. Cooled filtered air blew quietly from the vents over head while fans from the servers circulated warmer air.

  “You can’t be in here, this room is clean.” A young serious looking Asian man said approaching him.

  “That’s Mister Bryant.” A blonde assistant hissed at him as he passed. He jerked to a stop. Jake grinned.

  “How’s it going Shari?” Jake said to the tech that he’d met before.

  “Fine sir. What can we do for you? What’s wrong? You never come down here.” Jake took Shari by the elbow and led her away from the group.

  “We’re being hacked. Is your team secure?” She nodded. “All of the computers on the main floor are getting an error message.” Shari walked to her terminal and logged in. The screen filled with computer code. The young Asian rolled his chair over next to her.

  “Where is everyone? All of the computers are off.” He said looking at the code on her screen.

  “Ken, Mister Bryant thinks that we are being hacked.” He was shaking his head vigorously while he rolled back to his monitor.

  “Code four, anything out of the ordinary!” Ken’s fingers flew across the keys and Jake made a mental note to put him on the salary review list.

  “I only have one user logged in that isn’t in security. I’m Charlene, Mister Bryant, the employee is Lauren Edwards. She is accessing remotely.”

  “From where?” Jake walked around to stand behind Charlene.

  “I back traced her to Sixth Avenue. It looks like Devlin Enterprises, sir.”

  “Those sons of bitch
es.” Ken slapped the counter with his hand. “On it boss!” Ken had several windows open on his desktop now and was furiously typing computer code, a mishmash of letters and numbers on sequential lines. Jake followed along, he knew most of it, but it was a lot of years since he’d read code.

  “There!” Jake pointed at the screen. “There end it.”

  “Oh yes sir, good call, exactly.” Ken kept typing.

  “She isn’t trying to hide this sir. Oh shit, that’s not Lauren.” Shari said.

  “What?” Jake looked up.

  “Its multiple users all logged in remotely using her passwords. They have her remote password, her document and folder passwords. Also, none of them is keying as fast as Lauren. I have her usual average around ten thousand key strokes per hour sir, none of these users are that fast. The closest is five, definitely not Miss Edwards, but they are trying to make it look that way.” Jake smiled.

  “Can you prove all of this? We will need it for court.” He was headed for the door already texting.

  “Yes sir.” Was echoed around the room.

  “Do it. Give me proof. Proof of the hack, the tampering, and that it is not Lauren Edwards. I want it by the end of the day.”

  “We’ll have it in an hour sir.” Ken said without looking up. Jake shut the door behind him.

  Out in the hall his cell rang. “Jennings, what do you have?” The head of IT was speaking to someone else. “Jennings!” Jake shouted into the phone.

  “Mister Bryant, the old lady next door saw a big gorilla, her words not mine, carry Lauren off yesterday evening. She says Lauren was out cold. It took us awhile to get her to open her door. She also gave a perfect description of Zoe Bell and we can’t find her either. Grams said that she was about to take Lauren her Sunday cookies, oatmeal raisin and very good too, when she heard voices. She watched out them out of the peep hole. The guy was bigger than the other guy that Lauren brought home on Friday. Uh, she described you sir.”