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Not That Kind of Love Page 4

  “Mich, I can’t hold on to it anymore.”

  “Give it to me.” I begged. He buried his face in my neck and bucked into me hard. I lifted to meet him thrust for thrust coming again. Jamie called my name as he came pouring himself into and collapsed on top of me. His big body trembled over mine. I held him enjoying the weight of him and the warmth of his body. He felt so good, so damned good. I could feel the hammering of his heart against mine. It was worth the wait. Jamie pulled out of me leaving me bereft. He rolled over bringing me with him when his breathing slowed. His arm was tightly around me like a steel band. My head was on his shoulder and my hand rested on his chest. My fingers explored every muscle in the wash board. I bent my head to kiss them and to taste them. His skin was salty and smelled intoxicating. “I need a few minutes to recover.” He took a breath and let it out.

  “Are you sorry that we did it?” I looked up at him now. I wiped the sweat from his forehead with my hand. “It’s a little weird.” I mused.

  “Not one damn bit and no its not, it was expected.”

  Chapter 4

  Jamie was dressed and bent over in my fridge. He was at the stove when I came into the kitchen. He had something in a frying pan sizzling and was chopping vegetables on a cutting board. I put my arms around him and kissed his back. I stepped to the side and opened the fridge to find something to drink. I grabbed a bottle of water and guzzled it down. He turned around abruptly to face me. I could see the wheels turning and asked. “What’s up?”

  “I’m hungry, are you?” He asked and I nodded wishing he’d stayed in bed. “We need to hit the grocery store and I have laundry.” I nodded. I took my keys and went to his apartment. Back to business, I suppose. He’d looked different than ever before. I’ve spent a lifetime memorizing every like, dislike, mood, look, sigh, laugh and gesture but this is new ground. I considered it as I gathered up his laundry and brought it back to my apartment. I looked in the fridge and took inventory of the contents. I did the same with the cabinets. Everything was always so neat in here and that was probably because he spent a lot of time at my place and because Jamie is a neat freak. It actually surprised me that his dirty clothes weren’t folded. I giggled at the thought. I replaced the towels in his bathroom when I took the dirty ones. I went back to my apartment where he was putting food onto plates. I looked around and decided that I needed to clean. I always felt that way after being in his neat freak domain. I heard my washer switch cycles. Jamie carried the plates to the small round glass table where he had put out silverware that I just now noticed.

  “Formal huh?” I sat down on the ladder back chair. Jamie sat, placed his silverware on the edges of his plate then laid his napkin in his lap. He took my hand, bowed his head, then gave my hand a squeeze and let go. I hadn’t seen Jamie say Grace in years. He winked at me and started to eat. I lifted a fork full of colorful vegetables and chicken to my mouth. “Mmm. This is very good.” I got up to get water, he hadn’t put drinks out. “Do you want water or beer?” I asked from inside the fridge. He chose water. I came back to the table watching the muscle of his jaw work. It was so sexy. The way that small insignificant piece of sinew could flex and bunch always stirred something deep inside of me. He was still naked from the waist up. My breath hitched and my teeth raked my bottom lip. The great Jamie Flanagan was just inside of me. He chose me of all people. There were always whispers, always rumors and disappointingly so, none of them were ever true until just now. I must have been staring because he looked up at me then. A look passed over his eyes darkening them and the corners of his mouth lifted. He hated to be stared at but I couldn’t help myself. Jamie is beautiful. I gasped at how frantic my heart was suddenly. He pushed his chair back then, his eyes were intense not leaving mine, and came around to where I stood frozen. His arms were around me in an instant and his mouth crushed mine. I dropped the waters. His tongue played across mine. Exploring, exhilarating me, my blood hummed with desire. I wanted him again so much, his desire equally evident. His mouth was wet on my breast through the tee shirt. He backed me up against the counter while his fingers worked the button of my jeans. He pulled my jeans and underwear off at the same time. I stepped out of them. Jamie bent and put me over his shoulder so that he could carry me to the bed. I squealed and smacked at his perfect ass with my heart still pounding in my ears.

  “Oh you will pay for that.” He tossed me across the bed and shucked his own pants off. He wasn’t wearing underwear. I scrunched up my nose. “What?” He asked.

  “Commando? Did you lose something?” I had already spotted his underwear buried in the tangled sheets of my bed. I plucked them out and held the boxer briefs up between two fingers. He growled as he came across the bed after me. I squealed again and tried to get away. His fingers circled my ankles and pulled me toward him. I yanked the tee shirt off over my head and flung it to the floor. I tried to kick but it was half hearted. He flipped me over pulling me across his lap now. His hand covered my ass is a sharp smack. “Oh, no! You did not just spank me!” I tried to wiggle away but I couldn’t move. He had me pinned with his forearm across my back. He smacked me again, hard. A strange tingling sensation pinged through me.

  “You started it.” He said. Another smack, I gasped, this one harder, jarring me. Want rippled through me and flooded my core. I could feel his erection pressing into my side. “I told you that you would pay for it.” His finger traced down the seam of my ass now sending strange sensations through me. My cheeks still stung sweetly. I moaned. “You like this too.” His finger traced around pressing lightly on my perineum and over the seam of my pussy. His hand cupped my sex. His other hand traced a line down my spine. It tickled when he drew it over my warm cheeks. He leaned over and kissed one. I rolled off of his lap onto my back. Jamie went with me. His mouth nipped at my belly and breasts.

  “Jamie?” Mmm was his answer. His tongue pressed onto my clit now and I lost all thought. His fingers were inside me, pulling, pushing, circling and wriggling. My hips moved against his hand. He made me come so effortlessly. I wanted to do the same for him. I wanted to give him the pleasure that he so easily gave. I wanted to please him. With the trembling still working its way through me I got up and pushed him back against the pillows. He grabbed at me wanting me to straddle him but I had other plans. I kissed the scar on his knee, the one he got sliding into home and scoring the winning run of play offs during senior year. It was six inches long and he got a bunch of stitches for his trouble. I was so afraid when it happened, there was so much blood, I saw it from the stands and ran out onto the field which was not allowed, but I didn’t care at the time. My Jamie was hurt. I beat his mother, father, and all of his sisters out there. No one could’ve kept me from him. I was watching the life drain from him. It was me that rode in the ambulance his family followed in the car. The coach had made me hold pressure on it until we got to the hospital. I think it was his way of occupying me and keeping me from losing it totally. I remember tears streaming down my face but I can’t remember being emotional at all, it was like they just turned on by themselves. They lost the pennant without Jamie. I traced it with my tongue now and sent up a silent thank you for him living through it. I tasted his muscled thigh and dragged my teeth across it then the other. My head bumped his testicles. I heard his sharp intake of air. I bypassed his groin and went straight to his navel. It was perfect and shallow. I put my tongue in there for just a second, his belly quivered, and then I moved onto the wash board. I tasted his salty fragrant skin kissing my way up each perfect muscle until I got to a nicely developed pectoral. My tongue flicked at his nipple. His hands circled my upper arms. I kept working my tongue over him, tasting him, nipping him, dragging my teeth over him. I let my hair tickle him as I moved along his body. I had not tied it up since he let it down earlier. He liked it down. I kissed the hollow of his throat and collar bone. I could feel his erection bumping me waiting for the pleasure I would bring, whatever I may bring. I put my hands on his shoulders and put my forehead against
his. “I love you. I have no idea what I am doing but I hope that you like some of it, that I am getting some of it right and if I do any of what I am going to do next wrong, just tell me.”

  “What are you going to do next?” His lips touched mine. I smiled wickedly. “Mich?” I shushed him and kissed his cheek then his earlobe and neck. I kissed and nipped my way down his other side of his body. I flicked his turgid nipple on my way past and he shifted. I think he really liked that or really hated it, either way he didn’t try to stop me. My lips skimmed down over the ladder of his ribs, wash board and through the navel again. This time I did not skip his groin. I licked my way from the base to the head. He shifted again. My tongue pressed into the ridge around the head. I let my tongue cover it. He groaned and moved under me. I licked from the head down to the base on the underside. My tongue teased a vein that ran along there. My hand lifted his balls testing the weight of them. I sucked one into my mouth then the other, the hairs tickled my tongue and I didn’t really like that sensation but I wasn’t doing it for my pleasure. I pressed my tongue into the spot where the base met his sack. He moaned louder this time and Jamie shifted beneath me again. I let my breasts tickle his legs. His hands found my shoulders. I looked up at him, he was watching me. Just for him, I pressed my tongue flat against the underside and worked toward the head where I took it into my mouth. I let it fill my mouth and pushed it further and further into my throat. I sheathed my teeth and closed my lips around it near the base. I heard him groan my name, I smiled around it. I worked it back and forth front to back. I worked my tongue under it and let it swirl around the head sometimes. My hand cupped his balls softly, my breasts still gliding across his thighs when I moved. I watched his face. His eyes were on mine, intense, curious, and darker than I’d ever seen them, almost black. “Mich, I’m gonna…” I knew what he was going to do, I wanted him to. I gripped his hips hard. I wanted to taste him. His seed filled my throat then. He dragged me up his body and held me there until he stopped quivering. My head rested perfectly in the crook of his neck. I kissed his jaw and his ear. “I like you like this.” He said. I looked at him sideways. “You’re all lovey dovey and ooey gooey.” A smile played about my mouth and I kissed him again.

  “I like you like this too, all naked and sexy.” He threw me onto my back now. I reached for his shaft it grew in my hand. I circled it with my fist. “I want you Jamie.”

  “You’ve got me.” He kissed my neck and breasts.

  “Don’t tease me Jamie. I’m so hot right now. Give it to me.” I tightened my grip and pumped my hand. He chuckled against my skin. I tangled my other hand in his hair. “I mean it Jamie.” I gave his hair a tug. He bit my belly. “Oh.” I yelped surprised. I pushed at his chest with both hands now trying to leverage him onto his back. He wouldn’t move. He just laughed again. “James Michael Flanagan.” I said sternly. He just uh huh-ed me again. “Give me what I want.”

  “Demanding aren’t you?” He raised an eyebrow at me. My eyes narrowed then and my jaw set. “You like to tease and torment but you won’t let me? It’s my turn to torment you now.” He whispered against my mouth. His tongue flicked my lips until I opened my mouth for him. He nudged my thighs apart and buried himself in me.

  I was nearing the orgasm that was working its way around my womb when he slid back into me. “Jamie, harder.” I begged. He picked up the pace but not enough to suit me. I grabbed his face forcing him to look into my eyes. “Fuck me Jamie.” Jamie slid his arms under my thighs spreading me and lifting my bottom off of the bed. He bent them back to my chest and lengthened his strokes. “Jamie...” I cried my fists knotted in the sheets. He pounded into me. “Oh, Jamie...” I moaned. His pace was hard, deep, and fast. “Oh God, Jamie!” I came so hard that I couldn’t breathe for a few seconds. Jamie collapsed on top of me and panted in my ear. I smoothed his hair with my hand. “That’s exactly what I needed.” I yawned, my muscles like jelly, sated. He tried to roll away but I held him there. “Just let me hold you a little longer. It feels better when you stay until I finish.” We fell asleep tangled together. I woke up first, untangling our limbs and dressed. Our lunch was still on the table. I slid mine into the microwave and heated it. I was famished. I grabbed the bottles of water from the floor, they were nearly warm but I didn’t care, I gulped one down then opened the other for my meal. I could see him tangled in my sheets and smiled. I’d always thought Jamie was attractive, now looking at him barely covered by the white cotton sheets he was drop dead gorgeous, the muscles deep in my groin clenched sweetly with want. I loved him more right now than I ever had if that were possible. I finished the chicken and put my dishes away. I moved wet clothes from the washer to the dryer, put more dirty clothes into the washer, and turned both machines on. I went to Jamie’s and did the same thing. When I came back, he was getting up. I saw him pull up the navy pants and cover that magnificent rear end. My breath hitched. “Wow.” I whispered. I heated his food in the microwave and brought it to the table with a bottle of water. I got some paper and a pen and I started my grocery list. I looked in the cabinets and fridge and scribbled down items that I needed. I went into the bathroom and did the same, the laundry room followed. I wrote my initials at the bottom. I went next door and did the same in Jamie’s apartment. I checked his washer and dryer while I was there. I hung some of his clothes up and folded others. I brought my clothes back with me and put them away. I laid the store lists side by side on the counter. I could smell him on me, I wondered if he smelled me on him and how it made him feel. I came back to the kitchen and took his dirty dishes to rinse off and load into the dishwasher. “I’m going to shower then we need to do the shopping. Okay?” I asked. He nodded. He picked up his shirt, socks and shoes and headed out the door. I went to the bathroom and turned the water on then went to bedroom and undressed. I laid out the clothes that I was going to put on and went back to the bathroom. I almost half way expected him to be waiting for me but he wasn’t. I climbed in and shampooed my hair. I was rinsing it when the curtain opened.

  “I still don’t have any shampoo.” He looked me over running his tongue over his lips. I motioned for him to come into the shower. He closed the curtain for a second to get undressed then opened it again and stepped inside. My hands went to his belly as soon as he was near enough, sliding up the front of him gliding over his warm firm flesh. I stood on my tip toes to get closer to his mouth. I kissed him and he wrapped his arms around me. His hands rested on my ass and I giggled. “You have no idea how many times I wanted to do this.” He licked my neck and nibbled my ear. I slipped out of his arms and grabbed the shampoo. I put some in my hand and gestured to his head. He bent over for me to scrub it. His tongue lapped at my breast. I laughed but kept scrubbing his hair. I took the shower head down and I rinsed his hair of all shampoo and put it back on its cradle. I got the soap and lathered my wash cloth. Jamie took it from me and soaped my back and rear end making sure that he cleaned every nook and cranny. He turned me around and washed my front just as thoroughly. He lingered in places that he knew would turn me on.

  “We have to do the shopping, it’s getting late.” I said when he lingered too long.

  “I can’t help it Mich. I’ve been thinking about this for too long to let shopping stop me from doing it.” He got the shower head down and rinsed me. He turned the dial around to a different setting. My heart pounded in anticipation. He turned me so that I faced away from him. He wrapped his arms around me, his erection nudging at my bottom.

  He kissed my shoulder and neck. I relaxed against him. He held the massager spray in front of me. “Oh.” I gasped surprised when the pulse hit my swollen clit. He kissed my neck again. I reached back with my hands to hold his thighs. He had one arm wrapped around me just under my breasts holding me still. His erection bumped me again. Jamie nudged my feet apart giving him enough room to push up inside of me while the water pounded my clit. I couldn’t stand anymore. All the strength left my legs. I held onto his arm that supported my middle now. M
y whole body singing with sensation. I was coming apart. I was bursting into a million tiny pieces and all I could see was white sparks. My head lulled back against his chest. I called his name over and over and over. I lost cogent thought. The only word that I knew now was “Jamie.” I could feel him hitting my pubic bone, gliding over the spot inside me that made the world turn upside down and then spin deliciously. We fell against the cold slick tiled wall and just breathed. The shower head dangled precariously swinging back and forth. “Jamie.” I moaned once more. He panted against my ear. His breath came in hot, hard and rasps.

  “Was that real Mich?” His grip around me tightened. “Good God.” He panted and I could feel his heart beat slowing against my back and his breath was getting back to normal. “Wow. That was definitely worth doing again, I won’t leave this time, I promise.” Jamie stayed inside of me until the orgasms stopped wracking my body. He picked the wash cloth up and soaped it again.

  We finally finished the shopping just as the store was closing. We always pushed two carts and paid separately. We would put our own groceries away. The clerks always eyeballed us trying to figure it out because we were always together and we always traded coupons and change at the last seconds like now but we were always separate. “Mich do you have a nickel?” Jamie turned around to look at me. He was already paying. I dug around in my wallet and gave it to him. He saw something on the belt in front of me and dug in his pocket. “Here, I didn’t buy that, it’s a double too.” He passed a coupon to me.