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Summer's Alpha Page 4

  “Summer, you need to come down. It’s urgent.” She called through the door.

  “Coming!” I called. “I’m late for work.” I looked over at the clock. I’ve worked for Shirley for less than a week and I’m already late. I can’t even blame traffic.

  “Like hell.” Jackson trapped me beneath him. “You are not leaving this room until I’ve marked you.” Jackson growled. His eyes went amber and his nose twitched. “Your father is here Summer.” He jumped from the bed and pulled his jeans on. Jeez, his mood changes faster than the weather.

  Chapter 5

  I scent the air. I scent family but not my father. I pull my clothes on quickly and shove my feet into my shoes. “Come down and meet my boss. Her husband was the alpha before he passed and it was her idea to call you.” Jackson nodded and pulled his tee shirt on. “She’s still a pack member I think.” I hurry down the stairs apologizing to Shirley before I see her. I am hit full force with a full body hug and I hear Jackson laugh. My sister is here. “Kelly!” I squeal. “Oh my God! Kelly!” I squeeze the life out of her until she pushes out of my arms. “Sissy, let me look at you. What are you doing here? Did you escape?”

  “Let her talk Summer.” Jackson is beside me pulling Kelly into his arms and hugging her. Jackson and Kelly always got along, if he weren’t mine, I think Kelly might have been interested in him. She kissed his cheek then dropped her blushing face to the floor. “Don’t hide.” Jackson tipped her face up with a finger and I was instantly jealous. What was wrong with me anyway?

  “We’re passing through East View. Frank and I went to see his brother. He just had his first um…baby.” She glanced at Shirley. “He’s at the diner and he only gave me ten minutes to look around the bookstore. I’m not allowed to buy anything though.” Her mouth twitched and I saw the desperation in her eyes, the loneliness. I swallowed hard. I wanted to kill Frank. Jackson rested his hand on my shoulder and squeezed the mating muscle. It was soothing and calmed me. It was also a reminder that she belongs to that asshole and what he says, goes.

  “Summer if your sister is unhappy with her current mate, it is allowed that she rejects him and leaves. She would be more than welcome in our pack, I’m sure.” Kelly’s eyes flashed and she whirled to look at Shirley.

  “It’s okay Kel, Shirley was the old alpha’s mate, she is recently widowed. Jackson might be the new alpha here soon and she’s right, you would be welcomed.” Kelly dropped her head.

  “I have to go, he’ll be looking for me, and I don’t want any trouble.” Kelly hugged me quickly and ran down the street. I exhaled loudly and Jackson wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “She’ll be okay.” Jackson murmured in my ear. “I really hope she will be okay.”

  “I hope she doesn’t tell Frank that she saw us. He’ll tell dad.” Jackson squeezed me harder.

  “You’re father wants to use you as leverage, is that right?” Shirley sipped from her tea cup and perched on the counter. It smelled like vanilla and pomegranate. I nodded. “If you’re mated, he loses that leverage. You two look like you’re in love to me, am I wrong?”

  “We’re still negotiating.” I felt Jackson smile against my temple. It was nice having him so close. I felt safe and protected, not as smothered as I always thought I would if a man clung to me. “Summer thinks that I’m not interested in her, just in your alpha position.”

  “Oh Summer for heaven’s sake. If he didn’t want to claim you, he wouldn’t be able to. I was married to a wolf for a long time and if I learned anything it was this, when he wants you, it’s damned obvious to everyone. It seems damned obvious to me right now. Anyway, you said that your dad wanted to use you to gain an alliance with another pack. If you were mated to the alpha of the East View pack and offered an alliance, wouldn’t that eliminate the threat of him dragging you back home?” Why didn’t I think of that? And why am I fighting Jackson? We’ve been best friends our whole lives. He has never lied to me. He has never given me a reason not to trust him. If Jackson says that he’s always wanted me, maybe he has, maybe I am creating problems when there don’t need to be any. “Summer?” Shirley is waving a hand in front of my face.

  “Sorry. You’re right. You are so right.” I turn in Jackson’s arms and hug him. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I doubted you. You know that I’m stupid sometimes.” He smirked.

  “Oh so now that you’ve figured out that you can escape your dad if you mate me, you want to.” His eyebrow quirked up and my chin quivered. “Don’t cry stupid, I’m only playing with you.” His kiss is soft and not demanding but full of expectation. “Get to work.” He slaps my bottom lightly and I’m shocked, he’s never done any of this before and it’s just…weird. If he’d done that last week I would’ve …hmm, I would’ve liked it as much as I did now. I smile and start shelving books.

  “Jackson, can I offer you a cup of coffee?” Shirley was already pouring it. She was going to make him her best friend if she kept that up. Jackson was a coffee freak and had been since he was ten. His grandpa gave him some once and Jackson did everything Grandpa did. “When do you go to meet the pack?”

  “Larry said this evening around five. We’re meeting in a restaurant. I found that a little odd. Usually pack meetings…”

  “Are hosted by the alpha, this pack has no alpha, male or female. No one to cook, coddle, direct…” She sighed and sipped her tea. “When my Mark died, I would’ve been left in charge until a new alpha was found but I’m human so the pack thought it was best if Larry was in charge in the interim. See if a human female were in charge it would leave the pack vulnerable.” Jackson was nodding and I was agreeing while I shelved books. I’m starting to wonder how Shirley stays in business. I haven’t seen many customers since I started this job. “I’ll take you to the meeting, I am still well liked, and these people were my family for a very long time. I can’t stay though after the meal because I’m not pack anymore.”

  “You should go for Larry. You could be back in the pack and you’re both widows.” I say looking up from the box that I am unloading. Shirley smiled but turned her head so that I couldn’t see the emotions there. I’d hit a nerve. Shirley liked Larry. She unconsciously patted her long graying hair and moved around the counter. Jackson was perched on a low side counter.

  “You should get a coffee bar in here like they have in the big book stores. They have drinks, pastry and you can munch while you read.” Shirley looked to be considering it when the bell jingled over the door. Frank. Kelly had a fresh black eye and a bruised cheek. I couldn’t help the rage that swept over me. I couldn’t stop what was about to happen and I couldn’t see straight because I was suddenly so angry. I sprang from my place on the floor. He didn’t see me because he was too busy sizing up Jackson mentally preparing his attack. I shifted to wolf in mid air and I hit him hard. My teeth and claws were in him, in his neck, face, and chest. I ripped at his flesh and tore with my teeth. Frank was a bloody mess by the time his wolf presented to engage me. I kept ripping and tearing, snarling and growling. Frank was whimpering like the weakling he is. What else could he be? All he ever did was prey on women and humans. He was on his back with my teeth in his throat. Jackson snarled in my ear. I let go and backed off. Frank was shifting back into his human self. I did as well. I was coming to my senses now. I’d just challenged an alpha male and won. I knew that it might happen one day that I would rip his throat out. I hadn’t of course, but if Jackson hadn’t stopped me, I would have done it. Jackson was the last to shift. Kelly stood back. She wanted nothing to do with her mate. I could see in her eyes that she wanted him to die there. Frank was healing. Jackson hovered over him watching.

  “Summer, go get towels.” I nodded and took the stairs two at a time. I brought them back. “You realize that you’ve just declared war on his pack. They will avenge his death.” Jackson said when I came back.

  “No, they won’t.” Kelly said quietly. “He died in a car accident, he was playing chicken. Luckily, I wasn’t in the car. I c
an’t stay in that pack there are too many memories and I am joining the East View pack. Frank was recovering, healing and I struggled to understand what Kelly was saying. She was nearly catatonic, her voice was so soft, and her eyes never left the floor. Frank groaned and started to get up. Kelly reached across Shirley’s desk and grabbed the letter opener. She launched herself at her mate and plunged the long silver opener into his heart. Frank’s eyes rolled back and his last breath wheezed out with the word ‘Bitch.’

  “What the fuck Kel?” Jackson growled.

  “He won’t hurt me again and he won’t hurt my pup.” She rested her hand on her belly and a smile broke across my face.

  “Sissy! I’m going to be an aunt!” Kelly smiled and let me hug her.

  “It’s my fourth pregnancy.” Tears filled her eyes. “He beat the last three out of me because he claimed that they were girls and females are useless.” Kelly put her face in her hands and sobbed. I hugged her tighter. I don’t regret helping her kill him, Frank deserved it.

  “This is going to be a problem.” Shirley said flipping the sign on the front door to ‘Closed.’

  “We need to get rid of him. Is there any water or open fields that no one uses anymore?” Kelly asked and we all looked at her dumbfounded. “Frank has been up to some things that are not very nice at all. I pay attention. You have to bury the body at least 5 feet deep and cover it with lime or you can toss it in the water tied to cinderblocks.”

  “How many wolves has Frank killed?” Jackson asks. His eyes are amber with anger.

  “None. He kills humans for sport though. Homeless people. He offers them a meal then puts them in the woods to play survival. They have a fifteen-minute head start, then an hour to find their way to the nearest highway. If they make it, or evade him for the hour then he lets them go but if, they don’t. Well, he and his friends have a bet running on who can kill the game first. Frank was not a nice man. I was thankful for those games though because if he was out hunting a human, he wasn’t beating me or screwing me. To be honest, I’d prefer the beating to the screwing.” Kelly said matter of fact.

  “Jackson your first job as potential alpha of the East View pack is to dispose of all evidence associating this man to your mate. There is a lake ten minutes north of here. No one goes there this time of year. You will follow me out, drive the car in and I will bring you back.” Shirley ordered. “Summer, you will fix Kelly a cup of tea and mind the store. Jackson, take him out to my truck and cover him up with the tarp in the back.”

  “Whoa.” Jackson put his hands up. “Slow down girls.” He closed his eyes and opened them again. “All of that is illegal. It’s evidence tampering or some shit. I watch TV and we aren’t doing any of that.” Jackson checked Frank for a pulse then went to the phone and dialed the emergency number. He told the operator that there was a man dead and that he needed police. “Now, he hit you Kelly, hence the black eye. He hits you a lot.” She nodded. Shirley, get a damp rag, hurry up. He hit you and he’s beaten three children out of you. You couldn’t take it anymore. You were protecting yourself and your child. You stabbed him through the heart when he lunged at you.” Shirley came back with the rag and Jackson wiped Frank’s face and neck. The wounds that I made healed before Kelly got him with the letter opener. “He died right here on this rug. The best possible explanation for all of this is the truth. The only part that we leave out is the alpha werewolf business. That’s our business.”

  “Oh thank God.” Shirley said when the police car pulled up with flashing lights. It said Sherriff down the side. “Earl. I am so glad they sent you instead of Lawson.” Shirley stood up on her tiptoes and hugged him when he came into the store. “This is my brother in law Earl, Mark’s youngest brother.” Earl, a large but seemingly humble man, tipped his hat. “Earl, this is the new alpha, Jackson. That is Summer, his mate, and her sister here, Kelly. The dead man is Kelly’s mate.” I nodded at him.

  “Who killed him?” Kelly raised her hand a little and waved then dropped her eyes to the floor, her cheeks pink. Earl’s green eyes flashed. I grinned when a rhyme went through my head. ‘Earl and Kelly sitting in a tree…’ “So tell me what happened, Miss?” Earl led Kelly to the couch and sat down beside her. An ambulance and another Sherriff’s vehicle pulled up with flashing lights. I watched as Kelly told Earl what happened and rubbed her tummy while she did. Kelly may be a submissive wolf but not a stupid one. She had Earl eating out of her hand. I went to the bathroom and cleaned Frank’s blood from me before any more people came into the store. Jackson was speaking to another man in uniform when I came out of the bathroom. He glanced up at me then went on talking to the man. I stayed out of the way. No one asked me anything and I made myself a cup of tea in the kitchenette while the officials cleared out. Earl promised to stop by and see how Kelly was doing later and I hid my grin behind my hand.

  Chapter 6

  Jackson and I showered and dressed in silence. He has to be the sexiest man ever with the towel wrapped around his waist. Wow. He’s been weird all afternoon since I attacked Frank. I dried my hair but watched him watching me in the mirror’s reflection until I couldn’t take it anymore. “What’s wrong?” I turned the dryer off and put a hair elastic around my hair. “Are you mad at me?” His eyes flashed. I went into the bedroom and sat down on the bed beside him.

  “You attacked an alpha male Summer.” I shrugged.

  “He’d already beaten my sister so many times, and he was looking to go after you. To be quite honest, I just wasn’t having it.” I tipped my head and gave him my curious pup look. He grinned and shook his head. “Scared of me now?” Jackson laughed. “Be careful buddy or I’ll whip your butt too.” I grinned at him and he laughed harder. Jackson leaned over and kissed my cheek. “That’s better. Now we have this thing to go do. Act like an alpha and like you’re in charge. Kelly needs a safe place to raise her pup and mate with Earl.”

  “Earl? What are you talking about Summer? I don’t think Kelly will mate anyone any time soon.” I grinned and shook my head.

  “I give them a week before he claims her.” Jackson gave me the ‘you’re so stupid’ look and got up pulling his jacket on. “I’m serious. He is in deep love already. I saw his eyes when she blushed and dropped her head this afternoon. He wanted to do her right there, dead mate or not.”

  “Is she coming to the meeting?” I nodded. Kelly was staying at Shirley’s house since I don’t have any extra room and Shirley would bring her. We were meeting at a restaurant. That was a great idea because I am starving.


  It is five o’clock exactly when Jackson and I walk into the restaurant. The host shows us to the party room in the back. It’s private from the rest of the restaurant. There are about twenty people. It’s small. Our pack at home is like ninety members or more. I never really counted but I’m sure if I asked Dad he would be able to pull that number out of his hat. I look around, most of them are older, there are about eight or so that are older than I am but not old yet. Seven of those are men and one is a woman. She looks mated to the male sitting next to her. Kelly and Shirley are in the back. Of course, that’s where Kelly would go to hide. I give them a little wave and Shirley comes to the front of the room at the same time that Larry does. They grin stupidly at each other and he gives her the floor. “Good evening everyone.” There is a murmur of answers. “I found an alpha candidate for you. This young man is Jackson. His soon to be mate is Summer, and her sister in the back is Kelly that you’ve already met.” Earl slips past us and goes to sit with Kelly. I nudge Jackson with my elbow. “Jackson is young, and I’ve only just met him but if you all haven’t heard, there was an incident earlier at the store. He showed excellent leadership qualities, a clear, calm head and handled the situation better than I believe Mark may have. I want to give my endorsement to these two. I think that they are just what the East View pack needs.” There was a round of applause. “I know I am no longer pack so I am going to head home. It was good to see you all and I will gi
ve the meeting over to Larry.” Larry came up back to the front and hugged her. I felt silly standing there beside Jackson while everyone looked us over but Jackson wanted this. Let’s face the fact that I want Jackson so I’ll stand here. Kelly was in deep discussion with Earl and had the reddest cheeks I’d ever seen. Earl was stroking her blonde ponytail and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from telling Jackson, ‘I told you so.’ I will later though. Larry was speaking now. We were going to eat, thank goodness! Then they will vote while Jackson and I have pie out front. I took the chair next to Jackson. The blue haired woman from the thrift store was the first to approach us. Her name was Evelyn and she was actually very nice. She was the alpha’s mate a hundred years ago. I knew she was as old as dirt when she growled at me that first day. We met several very old wolves and all of the younger ones. Jackson was good at this political stuff. He could charm anyone it seemed. He’s developed this new quality because usually he’s busy picking fights or making mischief. He’d grown into a spectacular wolf. I’d be silly not to mate him. I wanted passion, what were those dreams if they weren’t passion. The way he makes me feel when I look at him, that’s passion. I don’t know why I was expecting a new feeling when I met my mate, the feelings and emotions that he stirs are exactly what I should feel. He was right earlier. I’ve been his all along, since the beginning. He put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. My mind was wandering and he was bringing me back. I chewed the meatloaf that I had in my mouth. It was good but Kelly’s is better. I hope that she knows I am eating meals at her house as soon as she settles into her new home with Earl. I giggle in my head and I give her a smile. I am so happy that she is safe here with me. Her black eye is starting to fade. It should’ve faded by now but knowing Frank, he hit her extra hard to make a point. I’m glad that he’s dead. Jackson is eating now that everyone has stopped by and talked to him. I’m almost finished but I grab another scoop of creamed corn and more beans. Kelly rolls her eyes. She’s always said that I eat too much but I can’t help it if I’m twice her size and twice as hungry.